

There is a customer docker-compose that you can use to additionaly launch a single node ElasticSearch and Kibana stack. You will need to modify the default password to ensure that your Kibana instance is secured against unathorised access.


If you already have data in your HoneySwarm you can add this data to your ElasticSearch using the following steps.

  1. Connect to the HoneySwarm docker container
  2. Start flask shell
  3. Run the following python code.
import json
import datetime
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
elastic_client = Elasticsearch("honeyswarm_es01", http_auth=("elastic", "HoneySwarm"))
from honeyswarm.models import HoneypotEvents
events = HoneypotEvents.objects()
for event in events:
# If you already have data in your elastic index use this datetime filter to avoid duplicates.
if event.date < datetime.datetime.strptime("2020-07-31 21:23:42.000000", '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'):
      event_entry = json.loads(event.to_json())
      event_entry["event_id"] = str(event_entry['_id'])
      del event_entry['_id']
      event_entry['date'] = event.date
      instance_id = event_entry['honeypot_instance_id']
      index_name = "honeyswarm-{0}".format(instance_id)
   except Exception as err: